American Tax & Business Shoppe, LLC offers friendly, courteous tax preparation services as well as insurance, financial planning, Certified Senior Advisor Services, and small business services. We are committed to excellence and strive to deliver first quality, affordable tax and business services aimed at providing peace of mind to our customers.
Affordable Care Act
Important Notice: Beginning with your 2019 tax return, there is no longer a penalty for not having health insurance.
If you purchased health insurance through the "Health Care Market Place," a form 1095A will be sent to you by January 31, 2021. You MUST BRING this form when you have your tax return prepared as it contains information that MUST BE entered on your tax return. We cannot complete your tax return without this form.
If you purchased private health insurance, you will receive a form 1095B from your provider. This form must be retained for your personal records. We do not need a copy to process your tax return but you should bring it to your tax appointment.
If you have employer provided health insurance, you will receive a form 1095C from your employer. This form must be retained for your personal records. We do not need a copy to process your tax return but you should bring it to your tax appointment.
15 CPE Hour Course